MDHS Research Profiles

This is a preview of the MDHS - Staff Showcase Profile Details form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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MDHS - Staff Showcase Profile Details

* indicates a required field.


Blurb about how and why we're showcasing. 

Privacy Collection Notice

Privacy Collection Notice

The collection of personal information by the University of Melbourne (University) is governed by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (together, Privacy Laws). The University is also considered to be a data controller for the purposes of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) in relation to the collection of personal information from individuals located in the EU. The University is committed to protecting your privacy and processing your personal information fairly and lawfully in compliance with the Privacy Laws and the GDPR, as applicable.

The information in this form is being collected by Research Development, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, the University of Melbourne. The information you provide is being collected in order to record administrative details of the applicant, and for assessment by an Academic Division Committee. The Academic Division Committee is chaired by the respective Associate Dean (Research) or equivalent. The information will be used by authorised staff for the purpose for which it was collected, and will be protected against unauthorised access and use. The names of successful applicants and a summary of their projects will be reported to relevant University committees and senior officers. If you do not provide all of the information requested on this form, your application may be deemed ineligible and removed from consideration by the committees.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we hold is accurate and complete and that it is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access or disclosure. We will only retain your personal information for as long as required for the purpose it was collected and in accordance with our legislative obligation. Your personal information will be securely stored and destroyed in accordance with the University’s retention and disposal authority. We will not disclose your personal information to anybody else unless you have given consent, or we are authorised or required to do so by law. You may request access to, or correction of, your personal information held by the University at any stage. You may exercise data subject rights under the GDPR if applicable. You can contact us at 13 6352. For further information about how the University manages personal information, to make an enquiry or complaint, or for contact details of the University’s Privacy and Data Protection Officer, please view the University’s Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Webpage, or contact the University’s Privacy Office at


Consent statement

The University of Melbourne is committed to protecting your privacy by fully meeting its responsibilities under applicable privacy laws. By submitting any personal information in this form I consent to it being collected by the University of Melbourne. If the information relates to someone other than me, I am authorised to give this consent for that person.


I have read and agree to the collection notice (required) * Required

1. Staff Details

Please include below contact details of the primary staff member to be featured.

Please briefly describe. For example: non-binary, gender-diverse, man, woman, prefer not to say
Please ensure your Find an Expert Profile is up-to-date and provide a link.

Recent Research Project or Academic Activity

Please provide details of one recent research project or academic activity to feature in your profile.

How was your project or academic activity funded? * Required
Response required.Response required.

Academic Career and Research Focus

What you submit in this section will be published as written on our Research Profile page. 

Word count:
Must be no more than 50 words. For example, previous projects, year of PhD award, past academic employment, what brought you to work at the University
Word count:
Must be no more than 100 words. For example, the aims or significance of your research, how past projects or research gaps have informed your current work
Word count:
Must be no more than 50 words. For example, the next stage of your project, future projects or grants or fellowships building on your recent work, future academic career aims,

Fellowships (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "How was your project or academic activity funded?" on page 1

Word count:
Must be no more than 100 words. For example, how the Fellowship will progress your academic career, what benefits or outcomes may be achieved through your research, potential or expectedbenefit to society or academic understanding

University and Faculty Internal Grant Schemes (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "How was your project or academic activity funded?" on page 1

Word count:
Must be no more than 100 words. 

Trusts (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "How was your project or academic activity funded?" on page 1

External Funding

Please consider one recent national or international grant you've been awarded to feature.